Friday, January 15, 2010

Nude Nite 2010

Often times people ask me.. what is Nude Nite?? To my surprise its the largest nude art show in the U.S. The Orlando show spans over 3 days and always falls on Valentines day. The venue is typically held at a large industrial style warehouse (15,000 sqft range). During the event expect everything from paintings, murals, photography, sculpture, bronze and mixed media. There are also live performances that go on during the event. Yes, lots of eye candy..

This being my third consecutive year involved with the poster photography, the concept surrounded itself around a colorful Moulin Rouge / turn of the century / circus vibe. When collaborating with art director Jeff Matz of Lure Design we came across a neat image that had massive pink ostrich feathers. Thanks to Sunha we were able to get our hands on a set locally. Caroline Van Haastert provided an amazing job with make up & hair. For a model I decided to use KT who is a true professional and delivered exactly what I was after. And last but not least, special thanks to Alan U.K. for his mad skillz..

Below is what we came up with for the poster and some "behind the scene" shots of the set up and the warehouse. Jeff had his new 7D handy and put together a little video from his perspective.



