Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On location at Bok towers with Fused Fashion

Every time I get asked to work with Tammara from Fused Fashion and Sunha Fajardo Art of Beauty I jump at the opportunity, even if I have no idea what I'm getting into.

The approach to this shoot was to capture a past and present masked theme inspired from the Marie Antoinette era. For a location I chose Bok towers due to its beautiful gardens and great scenery.

Caught up in the idea.. like a rookie... I forgot to call the gardens prior to our shoot to ask permission to shoot there. Naturally on shoot day it didn't take long before administration caught on to what we were doing and asked us to pay a $150 location fee of which we narrowed down to $50. Who would of thought I'd get charged a location fee way out in Haines City!

Here is what we came up with:




Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Forward fashion shoot for Orlando Magazine

When I was originally approached with this assignment I was asked to shoot in studio. Since this was my second cover shoot for OM I wanted things to sizzle a bit more than the last time around so I turned to my lovely fashion forward wife Lindsay. It was her suggestion to shoot at the Maitland Art Center and said to make things dramatic. After having a post production meeting with the crew from Orlando Mag at the art center they were convinced that this was the location to use.

On shoot day it must of been 50 degrees and naturally I felt bad for our model who had to wear spring clothes. Somehow she pulled it off and made things look warmer than they actually were. Equipment wise I ended up using all Profoto B2R portable strobes and went with 2 white beauty dish reflectors with grids for main lights and 2 magnum reflectors with grids for background and side light. The crew.. what can I say... Fantastic job! As they say.. it takes a village.. in this case a very creative village!

Here are the results:


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